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Green moss walls













A unique way to decorate your interior

When creating the interior design of a home or company, attention is always paid to making it unique and memorable for visitors. That is why the interior design industry is looking for new solutions that aim to introduce a unique atmosphere into specific rooms. Designs that directly refer to nature are especially fashionable. Perhaps the rush of life makes us long for the harmony and peace that comes with being among green plants. More and more of us decide to beautify our space with vertical gardens.

One of the extremely modern techniques in this trend of interior design is the so-called green walls with plants. It may sound trivial, but in fact these are unique, natural structures that will give the room an innovative atmosphere. Vertical moss gardens are prepared in such a way that they resemble amazing works of art. Instead of paintings by Van Gogh or Picasso, we can treat ourselves to a masterpiece of nature that will be a real feast for the eyes.

What are green walls in interiors in practice?

Green walls made of plants in interiors are a new, original method of arranging and decorating rooms. By installing a wall made of living moss, the interior design gains a unique character and expressiveness. In addition, the impression of communion with nature in this case is not associated with the burdensome care of plants. Wall moss does not require natural light or water, which gives its owner great comfort of use.

We try to tailor our moss wall installations to individual tastes, which is why we prepare them based on the awareness of the customer's preferences. At the same time, we make sure that the arrangements we create do not require too much input from our clients. That is why we only use moss that is highly resistant to various types of fungi and mold. The plants we choose quickly adapt to various indoor conditions. This gives you great freedom when it comes to choosing the place to install your vertical garden.

Decoration for everyone

Do you think that green moss walls require special conditions? Of course not! The only factor that should be maintained in a given room is air humidity of at least 40%. Let us add that this is a standard value for most residential buildings and work spaces.

Vertical gardens are equipped with a specialized irrigation system that takes care of each plant that creates your unique composition. Even though the entire structure looks like it requires a lot of knowledge when it comes to care, the process will take no more time than watering traditional green plants in pots.

A green wall for your company

We often create vertical gardens on special orders from companies from various industries. Some of our clients want plant installations to impress their contractors, while others choose them for the comfort of their employees. No matter what your goal is, we are sure that our amazing vertical moss wall gardens will fulfill their function.

In order to create a project using moss that is perfectly tailored to your needs, we need to know a few details about the interior in which the vertical garden will be installed. For the appropriate selection of plants, the degree of sunlight and possible temperature changes in the room are important.

Our vertical gardens themselves are the best incentive to cooperate with us. Below we present a gallery of completed orders. If you dream of your own green moss wall, please contact us!

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